Created by Matt Vermeulen, Dennis Stemplinski.
The makers of a down-home PBS-style show are forced to update their act, or face obliteration from the loud and abrasive competition.
screened: 2009-02-04 at 92ytribeca
votes: 57/116 - 49.14% share; placed 6th of 10
- Bob Homestead Dennis Stemplinski
- Cameraman Matt Vermeulen
- Johnny Danger Matt Koff
- Mr. Rosell Mark Annotto
- Ryan Filth Shek Baker
- Estelle Reese Dana Bove
- Matt Vermeulen Director, Writer
- Dennis Stemplinski Writer, Editor
- Dan Zaret Music Composition
- Jenne Abramowitz Sound, Crew
- Ed Mundy Digital Effects